Tips to Improve Student Behavior (PBS) during Breathing and Stretching

Be a good sailor and earn this classroom certificate. Click here for FREE award.

Be a good sailor and earn this classroom certificate. Click here for FREE award.

Ahoy, Mateys!  Ahoy, Mateys!  I have experienced moments during teaching kids yoga where I quietly sighed, “that was a complete disaster.” Sometimes it's difficult to find that fine balance of being a control freak with being at ease to what is happening in the room.  Some kids mask their fears and insecurities by not participating, while others search loudly for attention.  Yet, I keep coming back.  I stay in the work.  I SEE improvement. I SEE relaxation in their bodies.  I SEE children light up when they remember a pattern or try a new pose. I NOTICE myself smiling.  I NOTICE myself getting excited to try something new.  I PAUSE and learn from kids.  THEY are more powerful than we even know!! 

I hope you won’t give up on yourself.  I hope you will step out of your comfortable space and try something new.  The worst that can happen is that you will fall and get back up!  You can do this!  Here are some positive behavior (PBS) tips that I have discovered through my many failures:  

  1. MOVE-MOVE-MOVE THEN BREATHE.  Add jumping jacks, leap frogs (flying fish), heal clicks, mountain climbers (charge your battery), or any type of physical movement to your practice.  While their heart rates are escalated is a great time to call “friends eating oyster” pose or “sailor salute” to practice deep calming breaths.  

  2. MAKE A GLITTER JAR.  Shake it up during the practice.  Allow them to notice it settling and “calming down”.  Sit the jar in front of students who follow the Breathe and Stretch Etiquette. Recognition gives you POWER! Kids work for the smallest amount of praise.  No words needed here.  Simply move the jar.  They notice as the glitter settles that their body and mind are also settling.  

  3. FREEZE DANCE. Kids love to twirl with scarves during music.  When the music stops, they quietly freeze into their favorite breathe and stretch pose.  Make sure you join into the dance.  You can light yourself up as well! Use my Spotify


  5. EARN PIRATE COINS.   Give pirate coins to students following Breathe and Stretch Etiquette.

  6. EARN THE GOOD SAILOR AWARD.  Turn your matts into sailboats.  Learn the words:  bow, stern, deck, port side, starboard side, and mast.   Learn pirate names.  Earn pirate coins for participing.  Have fun!   Individuals, classrooms, or groups earn the Certificate to take back to class.  Click here for FREE award.



Julie Frizzi