in the middle
Are you in the middle of a difficult time? You might feel in the middle when you struggle getting along with a team member or feel unappreciated.
When you are in the middle of stress, you become easily distracted and find it difficult to manage emotions. What can you do to find your internal strength, stability, and hope? How can you reboot to recognize your GOOD STUFF in the middle?
Kids in the middle of divorce often crave consistency, stability, and support. In the counseling office, the Oreo Cookie Group meets weekly to twist open and eat a cookie together to help them understand that
They are the good stuff IN THE MIDDLE of divorce.
After the treat, students of all ages beg to play the Powerful You Cookie Game where they bond, laugh, and talk to others in the group. Sometimes they use the cards to play Concentration, and other times they play Go Fish. After connecting with friends, children walk away with these basic concepts (and more):
Life is like a pickle. It is full of sweet feelings and sour feelings. All feelings are ok.
The 3 C’s - You didn’t CAUSE it. You can’t CONTROL it. You can learn to COPE.
All families are different.
When you feel lonely, you can draw, read, find a friend, exercise, or help someone.
Never hold down feelings because you might POP later.
Pause instead of react.
YOU are the good stuff IN THE MIDDLE OF CHANGE.
YOU will slowly adjust to change.
As a celebration at the end of the six week group time, we celebrate with a pickle party!
Join me in a 7-minute stretch.
May you understand that YOU are the good stuff in the middle of your family and school. You make a difference! You do your best each day to help children!!