Teach kids before testing to take a 5-10 dolphin breaths. They will release tension stored in their body and have fun while doing it.  Here are 5 steps you can follow:

  1. Round up the Fish - You often see dolphins doing this in the sea before they make the big splash. While seated, feel a stretch in the sides of your body as you create big circles with your body in both directions. Keep your feet and bottom firmly planted into the earth to keep your balance.

  2. Stretch Your Flippers - Hug one knee in at a time. Point and flex your toes as you notice your breathing. Rotate your ankles in both directions while letting go of any worries.

  3. Dive Out of the Water - Bring both hands to your heart. As you press your palms and fingers together, feel the stretch across your collar bone. Take a big inhale through your nose and lift your arms above your head. As you exhale, rain your fingers down to your sides. The key to releasing tension in the nervous system is a deep inhalation through the nose and a SLOW - SLOW - SLOW exhalation.

  4. Standing - Do the same arm movements while standing. The key to releasing tension in the nervous system is a deep inhalation through the nose and a SLOW - SLOW - SLOW exhalation.

  5. Squatting - To engage the full body, start in a squatting position and continue the same breath work. The key to releasing tension in the nervous system is a deep inhalation through the nose and a SLOW - SLOW - SLOW exhalation.

Join in with your students just to make sure this stuff really works!! You will reap the benefits of calming your body and thoughts while enjoying a stretch. It’s a win-win! Make it a spectacular day. Powerful You!

Julie Frizzitesting