3 Mindful Techniques to Transition Students to the Floor
The Powerful You life skill lessons create connection in your classroom, especially when facilitated on the floor. Sitting in chairs for prolonged periods of time can cause poor posture, decreased circulation, and boredom. Once on the floor, students bond with the Powerful You kid story while feeling the safety of the earth below.
The simple act of moving to the floor provides a mini-movement break while increasing core strength and hip mobility. It gives the opportunity for everyone to feel the body talking as it shifts to find a comfortable seated position.
Here are three mindful techniques you can use to safely guide your students (and yourself) to and from the floor.
Hinge Back Technique - Stand tall with your weight on your heels. Hinge your hips back so your bottom goes behind your knees. Lean your body forward while lowering your fingers to the ground. Gently lower your knees to the ground and walk your hands out in front of you to a tabletop position. Lower your hips to one side until side-sitting. Remember to stay tall to length your spine. Swing your legs in front of you and come to a cross-legged sit. When coming up, move your hips far behind you before pushing up.
Lunge Back Technique - Using a chair for balance to begin, take a wide step back and lower your back knee to the ground with control. Work to form a right angle with both knees. Come to both knees by lifting your front knee back. Lower your hips to one side until side-sitting. Swing your legs in front of you and come to a cross-legged sit. Reverse when coming up. Remember to power up by pushing both feet into the ground.
Cross Sitting Technique (most difficult and kid favorite) - While standing, cross one leg in front to make an X with your legs. Parallel your arms straight out in front of you and hinge your hips back away from your knees. Bend your knees and slowly lower your hips to the ground with control. To come up, rock your body and press up with your feet.
While on the floor, show the Powerful You Role-playing card to the children at eye level and share the short story on the back of the card. After reading the story, give turn and talk time for the journaling prompts. Ring the transition chime to move to a new reflection question. Easy Peasy!
As we age, getting up and down from the ground while using as few body parts as possible is linked to life longevity. Practice more with me online every Sunday Morning at 9:00 a.m. ET