Bully Prevention Skills

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Bully Prevention

Stand Up Stella is the nineteenth of the stories from Powerful You (grades 2-adult). Stella encourages the ability to assume responsibility (ASCA Behavior - Self-Management Skill Standard 1). Anna also self-confidence in ability to succeed (ASCA Mindset 2). 

“When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That’s the message he is sending.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“I’m proud of you for standing up for something you believed in…something that wasn’t particularly popular, but that assured the rights of someone less fortunate that you.” Mr. Rogers

Stand Up Stella’s video on bullying


Powerful You Intermediate Instructions

20-25 minutes per week for each of the 26 social skills lessons

1.    Breathe and Stretch before every lesson.  Feel the benefits in YOUR body and mind.  Kids love the breathing ball

2.   Read the true short story from the 8.5 x 11 Powerful You Educator Cards and watch connection radiate in your class.

3.    Stand tall and practice positive self-talk.

4.   Open the lines of communication by allowing children turn & talk time with each journaling question from the Powerful You Educator Card. (use transition chime to move through questions quickly)

5.   Display the Classroom Social Skills Sign.  Leave a classroom footprint of emotional wellness. 

6.   Use the Powerful You Book for positive quotes and additional activities that correspond to each A-Z lesson. Add your ideas to this resource book.  You are more powerful than you know!  

7.   Purchase The Powerful You Educator Kit . (Includes all resources for grades 3 and up)

Powerful You Counselor Kit
Sale Price: $209.00 Original Price: $237.00

This song goes great with Stand Up Stella lesson. Lizzie Sider visited our school and I have loved watching her blossom !