Test Taking Skills
Aligns with CASEL 5 & The ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards & Competencies
Test Taking Skills
Noticing Namia is the fourteenth story from Powerful You (grades 2-adult). Naima helps encourages the use of effective coping skills when faced with a problem. Naima also fosters a positive attitude toward work and learning.
Launch Introduce the A-Z Powerful You theme.
Breathe and Stretch Practice self-awareness and self-management with the Powerful You free movement videos on this page. Simply hit play or gain a new movement idea for your toolbox.
Connect Read the true short story from the 8.5 x 11 laminated Powerful You Educator Cards.
Promote a Positive Mindset Stand tall and practice each story’s positive self-talk.
Reflect Social-awareness, relationship skills, and problem-solving skills escalate when students are given turn and talk time for each journaling prompt. Learn from them and allow optional sharing.
Role-play Students hold the Powerful You Educator Card and act out desired behaviors.
Leave an SEL Footprint Copy and display the Digital Powerful You Classroom Social Skill Sign.
Expand Use the Powerful You Book or resources below. Make it your own! Be You! You are more powerful than you know!
Chalkboard Quotes
"Finish Each Day and Be Done With It." Ralph Waldo Emerson
“You are braver that you believe and stronger that you seem, and smarter than you think.” Christopher Robin
“Today I will not stress over things I can not control.”
“When I’m worried about something, I often try breathing into my belly. I’ve noticed it soothes me. What do you do when you feel worried or scared?”