Powerful You and It's Many School Uses
I am excited to share the many uses of Powerful You from educators around the nation. Here are just a few:
School Counselors from Indiana appreciate the 26 easy to use classroom/group lessons with correlating resources on www.powerfulyou.info
PBIS Coaches from Washington use as a check-in/check-out tool.
Principals from Florida assign journaling & stories during lunch detentions to improve social emotional learning and coping skills.
3-6 Grade Classroom Teachers use educator cards to integrate social skills as a writing center.
3-6 Grade Classroom Teachers spend 30 minutes per week reading and empowering children to be independent problem solvers.
After School Programs hold weekly social skills training with Powerful You stories and post classroom signs as reminders of skills taught.
Social Workers & Psychologists recommend as a resource for parents.
Mentors from Wisconsin connect & understand struggles of children by reading & reflecting together (preplanned lessons take stress off teachers).
K-12 Teachers breathe and stretch daily to reduce stress using breathing ball.
Parents open the lines of communication with their child in the evening using stories.
Preschool Teachers use breathe and stretch daily as a brain break.
Children enjoy movement, talking time, and changing negative thinking to positive.
Physical Education Teachers practice breathing and stretching to warm up children before activities.
School Systems feel confident they are ensuring that all children have someone to talk to in time of need.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the use of Powerful You in your school at mrs.frizzi@powerfulyou.info. I would love for you to comment below how you are using Powerful You or Breathe and Stretch in your classroom, school or home. Add your state name for fun!