Clean Hands and Calm Mind

Take 3 Deep Breaths

Practice Mindful Hand-washing

What if you practiced controlled breathing each time you washed your hands? Notice the miracle of each long, slow breath. Feel the oxygen flow from your nostrils to your lungs for a 20 second moment of self-care How would you show up slightly different in your world? Could you change your thoughts to gratitude? Breathe in the mantra, “I am grateful.” Keep breathing. Use it over and over again when you feel stressed. It will soothe and calm your nervous system.

Please download this hand washing sign as a gratitude gift for supporting Powerful You. You REALLY are more Powerful than you will ever know!

Enter code: CLEANHANDS at check out.

Much Appreciation,


Powerful You Counselor Kit
Sale Price: $209.00 Original Price: $237.00

Julie Frizzi