You Are Only as Young as Your Spine is Flexible


“You’re only as young as your spine is flexible.”   -Joseph Pilates

(Eres tan joven como tu columna vertebral es flexible)

Flexibility:  A willingness to compromise, change, or adapt in life.  

The thoracic spine contains 12 vertebral bones that connect to the rib cage.  To stay flexible in life, you can extend, arch, bend, and twist this area that often holds stress and tension.  

When have you been willing to be flexible or compromise in your home or work?  Did you give yourself compassion for your flexibility?  Your are strong and able to bend instead of break!  You are powerful from the inside out!  POWERFUL YOU!!

Take a 5 minute stretch break to increase flexibility in your spine and life.

Adjusting Anna (LESSON A) from Powerful You encourages children to be flexible in life by adjusting to family changes.

Julie Frizzi