10 Lessons from Tree Pose

Kids and adults love tree pose. This stretch is assessable to most students, especially with a stable chair as a safe balancing tool. There are many life lessons you can add while practicing this pose with youth.

  1. Integrate Science  Name your state tree. This tree provides shelter and food for wildlife. It absorbs carbon dioxide that you exhale and produces oxygen that you inhale. However, one of the best things about trees is that they add beauty to the world. Can you think of other benefits of trees?

  2. Welcome the Wobbles   Expect challenging times. Instead of resisting and becoming rigid in this pose, just go with it. Be flexible and bend like the tree. When do you notice trees adjusting to changing weather?

  3. Pay Attention  Put your eyes on one unmovable spot in front of you and be aware of distractions. What enhances your concentration?

  4. Watch Your Thoughts and Reactions  What are you thinking about while balancing? When you wobble, do you get upset and put yourself down? Can you learn to laugh at yourself?

  5. Fall Gracefully  When you close your eyes and stand on one leg, you might tip. Catch yourself quietly. How do you move in your classroom? Do you move like a graceful, quiet cat or loud elephant?

  6. Stay Anchored  When you feel anxious, imagine roots holding you to the earth. Breathe and know that you are grounded and centered. What activities help you feel safe?

  7. Calm Your Mind How many slow, deep breaths do you need to take in this pose to feel peaceful?

  8. Balance As you strengthen your legs and lengthen your spine, be aware of your stability. What other activities help you with balance?

  9. Expansion Spread your fingers apart and reach them towards the sky. How do you want to grow this year? What do you want to learn? Do you want to make new friends?

  10. Begin Again  Failure is not final and you can always start fresh with a new attempt. When have you started something over after being frustrated?

Can you or your students think of other life lessons while balancing in a yoga pose?

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Julie Frizzi