Firecracker Breathwork before Setting Goals

Firecracker Breath calms the nervous system, improves concentration, releases tension, and makes learning fun. Get students out of their seats before your Powerful You Social Emotional Lesson. Here are some simple steps for you.

  1. BE SEATED Begin with small firework movements. Inhale and spread your fingers wide in front of you. As you breathe out, stretch your hands above your head and wiggle your fingers down to your sides. Allow the breath to be slow. Make it deeper with each inhale. Can you lengthen the exhale? 3X

  2. STAND TALL As you breathe in, bend your knees and hug your bent elbows into your side body. As you exhale come up on your tip toes and stretch your fingers above your head to create a bigger firework. 3X

  3. SQUAT (or bend knees with feet wide apart) Move around here and feel your leg muscles. Get ready to launch into the new year. What old habits do you want to let go? Is there something that you want to STOP doing? What do you want to START doing? Take your biggest breath of the year. As you release this breathe jump up and twinkle your hands above your head like a bright firework. 3X

  4. Plan your REPETITIVE, RELEVANT, & RHYTHMIC SEL Lesson from Powerful You. Set new goals with your students with these lessons:

    Powerful You Primary (K,1)  Lesson Z - Zesty Zhen:  Set new goals with ZEST in 2025. Repeat with me, “I have a ZEST for learning.”

    Powerful You Intermediate (2nd-6th Grade)  Lesson V- Valuing Van:  Students will discover the value of education and jobs that might inspire them. Repeat with me, “I value education.”

Powerful You Counselor Kit
Sale Price: $209.00 Original Price: $237.00
INTERMEDIATE Powerful You Bundle (Grades 2-6
Sale Price: $45.00 Original Price: $60.00
Julie Frizzi