Recess Problem Solving Tools
Recess is one of the busiest hours for school counselors. It’s impossible to solve children’s conflicts as soon as they occur. However, giving kids the tools to resolve their own conflicts promotes responsibility and gives them skills to apply in all kinds of social situations.
Here are proactive tips you can teach to help reinforce problem solving skills.
Audible and Visual Learning
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Brain Dumping Tool Release your worries on paper. Search for facts, feelings, and thoughts.
Mindset Shifting Tool Instead of viewing disagreements as being an obstacle, see conflicts as an opportunity to learn how to get along with others. You get to practice! Be grateful for this learning moment to connect through conflicts.
Acknowledging Tool What emotion are you experiencing? Become aware of feelings and sensations in the body. Say, “I feel_______.” Recognize where this feeling is located in your body. Do you feel tightness anywhere? Is there tension in your face, hands, or feet? All feelings are okay.
Grounding Tool Rather than feeling scattered, plant your feet and notice the Earth below you. Stand tall and be where your feet are anchored. Be present.
90 Second Pausing Tool Feelings are strongest during the first 90 seconds. When triggered on the playground, pause, relax and breathe for 90 seconds. Allow the feeling to flow through you.
Opening the View Tool See the struggle through someone else’s eyes. Think, “They feel __________ because_____.”
Discharging Repressed Emotions Tool Free yourself by moving your body and releasing bottled energy.
Planning Solutions Tool When calm, plan your solutions. Do you need to apologize, share/trade/take turns, take a friendship break, express yourself, talk to your parents, get help or brainstorm ideas?
Learning through Movement (KINESTHETIC)
Acknowledge Your Feelings Sit tall. Press your feet into the Earth. Press your toes and heels down while gently lifting your arches. Notice the sounds in the room. Put one hand on your heart and recognize how you are feeling today. Do you feel any tightness in your toes, legs, hips, shoulders, fingers, eyes or forehead? Take three slow breaths here and simply feel any vibrations, tingles, or sensations. Acknowledge your feelings. They are all okay. Be grateful for the opportunity when conflicts arise. Conflicts can teach you new things about yourself and others.
Leg Lift Grounding Stretches (taken from upcoming book SELF-Built Teens.
Leg Lift Grounding Stretches Magic happens when you feel your connection to the planet you stand on. Appreciate the power of your quadriceps as each mindful breath increases an awareness of your surroundings. Sit tall and notice the chair connecting you to the ground. On the inhale, reach both hands over your head. As you exhale, hug your right knee in towards your rib cage and grasp your shin. Rotate your ankle and point/flex your toes. Repeat on the other side. Now move with your breath. On the inhale stretch both arms over your head. As you exhale, hug your right knee in. Continue this breathe and stretch sequence while alternating legs.
Stand Tall Point your toes forward and feet slightly apart. Root your feet down while lifting your spine tall. Pull your shoulders slightly back and away from your ears as you lift the crown of the head towards the ceiling. Believe in yourself and know that you can handle what comes your way.
Lightning Bolt - Taken from upcoming book Self-Built Teens
Sun Breaths Sweep your fingers over your head like a ray of sunshine on the inhale. Exhale slowly and bring your hands by your sides. Repeat 3-5 times. Let each slow breathe calm your nervous system.
90 Second Lighting Bolt Sit in your chair and lift yourself an inch from the chair for 90 seconds. Know that you can handle difficult feelings and conflicts that come your way. Stay in this pose and feel your strength. Straighten your legs if you must but then come back in the pose. Remind yourself to pause, relax, and breathe when difficult times occur.
Wide Legged Forward Fold - Taken from upcoming book Self-Built Teens
Wide Legged Forward Fold to Open the View Your eyes have two million working parts. See things differently as you allow your head to go below your hips. Calm your nervous system and twist your body in a new direction. To relieve stress in your eyes, rub your palms together to warm your hands. Place your hands over your eyes and allow the muscles in your eyes to relax. Take five breaths. Place your palms on your thighs. Lift tall through your torso as you fill your lungs with oxygen. Fold your body and slide your hands to the floor. Shift your right hand to the center and reach your left arm above you. Steady your breath as you take your gaze towards the ceiling. Twist deeper on each exhale. While upside down, see the problem through someone else’s eyes. How might they feel? Switch sides.
Discharge Repressed Feelings by Movement. Swivel, tap, march, kick, or anytype movement that releases stored energy in the body. Start by swiveling your upper body to the right and left while keeping your lower body firmly planted. Permit your fingers to follow and allow your arms to wrap around your body and gently tap. Follow that with marching, running in place, kicking one foot out and touching with opposite finger, hopping, punching arms out, or any type of movement that promotes a physical release of energy.
Brainstorm Solutions Make a list of strategies such as: apologizing, sharing, trading, taking turns, expressing your needs, getting help, taking a friendship break, walking away, or talking to parents.