Coping Skills for Stress and Anxiety - Silent Counting

Silent counting is a breathe and stretch tool that can be used to distract you from worries in your brain. Fear can send a alarm to your body and tell you all the things that can go wrong. By focusing on the numbers while breathing, the chatter in your mind settles and you feel more peaceful.

This breath work can be used before a test or difficult conversation.

  • To practice this tool, sit or stand tall.

  • Align your shoulders over your hips. Lengthen the back of your neck.

  • Close your eyes or gently gaze down your nose. Become aware of how you are breathing.

  • Now start to silently count the breath. Breathe in and say in your head, “one.” Breathe out and silently say, “one.” Breathe in and say, “two.” Breathe out, “two.” Continue counting until you reach ten. If you lose count, simply start over.

  • Once you hit ten, silently count backwards in your head until you reach one.

  • Use silent counting before Powerful You Lessons.  Mindful Maria (K-1), Quieting Quin (Grades 2-6), or Quieting Quincy (Teens) to help students recognize the power of silence.

Julie Frizzi