Star Breathing Before Learning

Star breath gets students out of their seats to stretch their fingers, arms, and legs. A deep breath helps kids relax and let go of worries. It activates the vagus nerve, which triggers the body's relaxation response and lowers the stress response.

  1. Seated Star Come to the edge of your seat and sit tall. Plant your feet down and make a 180 degree line with your arms. Feel the body breathe here. Can you notice your rib cage expand as you inhale? As you exhale, can you hear the sound of others breathing? Can you feel the breathe go through your nose? Slow your breathing down.

  2. Folding Star Widen your feet. Inhale as you sit tall. Exhale all the carbon dioxide from the body as you slide your fingers down your leg towards the floor. Stay folded and continue to breathe. Dangle your head and let go of any worries. Sway your shoulders from side to side and make a yes/no movement with your head. Allow all tension to release. Roll your spine back up to a seated position.

  3. Shooting Star Stand tall with feet apart and elbows hugging in towards your side body. Squat down as you inhale. As you exhale, jump up and shout, “I am a star.

  4. POWERFUL YOU Read your favorite POWERFUL YOU Story after getting the wiggles out. A guaranteed successful life skill lesson! Contact me if you’d like me to make a video for your school. I’d love to meet you!

Julie Frizzi