How to Start a Morning Yoga Club at Your School


Developing a morning yoga club has been the most exciting adventure during my 34 years of education. It has also been messy, imperfect, and continues to be full of learning curves. My goal each morning is to teach children to self-regulate by using breath and movement. Yoga stretches, brain gym movements, and dance routines encourage kids to have fun while practicing mindfulness. I continue to tweak, change, laugh, and grow from this experience. Last year’s Breathe and Stretch Club was held every Wednesday morning for 20 minutes. This year it has grown to three mornings a week with the kids begging for me to add more days. Here are some tips that have helped keep a healthy balance of fun, structure, and organization.

•       Determine time & location– Start small and let it grow.    

My Incredible Talking Body Sign encourages kids to CHOOSE CALM.

My Incredible Talking Body Sign encourages kids to CHOOSE CALM.

•       Choose club name- Emotion Regulation Room, Breathe & Stretch Club, Yoga Club, Morning Wake Up Club, Emotional Literacy Lab

•       Decorate– Use twinkle lights, low lights, or flameless candles 

•       Inform parents & staff – A permission slip is required when you choose individual students (as counselors do for group guidance).  Offering the club out to entire school or certain grade allows you to send a letter of information to all parents. Some may opt out due to religious beliefs.

  • Purchase mats & mat cleaner - Write a grant or ask for donations.  

•       Locate sound system or portable speaker 

•       Choose free music- Powerful You Spotify 

•       Purchase transition chime - Chime signals silence

•       Share aroma therapy- lavender is calming, but be aware of allergies

•       Study & practice Breathe & Stretch on the Beach Book (or your favorite curriculum)

•       Add modification tools- Scarves, tennis balls, hula hoops, parachutes, and beach balls add fun and movement

•       Create Patterns - Combine poses while teaching kids to flow with their breath

•       Plan a yoga studio field trip– Ask a local yoga studio to be a business partner - 

•       Practice self-care– Find a yoga class, eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and drink water. 

•       FREE mindfulness videos 

•       Reach out to me at juliefrizzi17@gmail.comwith any questions!

Julie Frizzi