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Powerful You Primary

26 A-Z Social Skill Lessons for K-1

As a classroom teacher (30 years ago) I used the TPA model.

Teach - Practice - Apply

 I also used this model during parenting my two children.   

TEACH    In the beginning I did everything for them.  I did a lot of telling and showing - (model-model-model).  

PRACTICE   To loosen the reigns, we practiced together the new skill (role-play).  

APPLY And then I closed my eyes and hoped they would apply these life skills to their daily life.  Often I would reteach (and model) a skill such as putting a dirty dish in the dishwasher.

 I continue to use these steps when using Powerful You with children.

  1. TEACH 

·      SIMPLIFY - Choose one social skill or A-Z Powerful You lesson. 

·      READ & SHOW – Read one short Powerful You story and show the educator card & classroom sign.

·      MODEL - Say the self-talk out loud and then in your head.

·      BE VULNERABLE – Share your story. 


·      BREATHE – Practice this with every lesson.  

·      STRETCH – Allow movement to help open the lines of communication.

·      TURN AND TALK (or journal) – Encourage open conversations and self-awareness.

·      ROLE-PLAY - Give opportunity for students to role-play or act out handling difficult emotions/situations.

·      MEMORIZE – Request that students memorize the A-Z Self-talk from Powerful You.  They will apply it during difficulty.


·      TRUST – Believe in them.  

·      RETEACH – Take the time to discuss previous lessons and share coping strategies that worked and did not work.  Did anyone breathe during stress?  Did anyone use the self-talk during struggles? What has worked for you?

·      CELEBRATE - Enjoy the journey of learning.


Julie Frizzi